The weak point in the electric wiring of the synchronization of the Speed Focal plane shutter is the connection between the build in release button and the inner connector sliding contact. The bulbs ignites when the focal plane shutter passes the electric contact on the right side of the housing. These contacts are intermitted by the build in release button to prevent the bulb going off when the focal plane shutter is wind up. However, the problem is that the inner and outer connector are hold together by a very poor construction. Sooner or later these contacts are going to oxidize and will interrupt the electric circuit. Soldering together the outer and inner contacts is the solution for perfect contact while using the focal plane shutter in combination with the Graflite. While soldering hold the jumper assembly on its place using the machine screw.
You would like to be sure whether your precious bulbs are going to do their job when you want them to fire.
First of all you have to know if your front lens shutter works properly. If you use the M bulbs you must be sure that your shutter will make contact some 20 milliseconds before the shutter is completely open. The bulb should bring it greatest power 20 milliseconds after ignition. The ignition finds place during the travel of the shutter on its way to open the shutter blades completely. Just before reaching that point, the contacts will ignition the bulb. 20 milliseconds later the shutter is completely open and the bulb is on its highest power. How do we know that this is going to happen. Just firing and watching the green test diode does not tell us whether the led lights up before or after passing the moment of full open shutter.
To be sure the contact finds place before the shutter is completely open, we have to set the shutter on "T" position. Now we release the shutter and the led lights up in a millisecond, but very good visible. As the shutter is still completely open, we know for sure that the ignition had taken place before the shutter closes again. If we set the shutter on "X" and repeat the same procedure, we do not see the led lights up. Thus the "X" setting is suppose to work just at the moment before the shutter is closing again. We can see that if we trip the shutter again to close. The led will light up immediately after the shutter is going to close. This typical green indicator LED will achieve full brightness in microseconds. However time enough to show you if your Flash will work.
Adjusting the Solenoid Graflex Synchronizer Provision for the use of flash
Home Graflex Cameras Flashing Synchronizer The Mendelsohn Speedgun
About Bulbs Testing your camera with the Flashunit Film Sheet or Roll Film Holder