Technical data and Suppliers.

On this page I'll publish actual information about all sorts of things you might have missed in all the other pages, such as charts and addresses from manufacturers of all kind of parts, you might need to refurbish your camera. I'd appreciate any help from you if you should know interesting sources of parts or any thing else that would be of interest for our colleague collectors and classic camera photographers.


Strap Handle for your 

4 x 5 Speed or Crown camera

Protect your camera. Replace your brittle strap handle before it is too late.

Made out of the finest genuine saddle leather.

An exact copy of the original Graflex Handle.

JoLo Graflex Belt & Buckle



A clever 4x5 sheet film developing tank.

Processing up to four 45" sheets at a time.




Stearman Press is still in business and innovating new products for developing film






Copal Mounting Chart

Copal Diameters in mm Copal 0 Copal 1 Copal 3
Board Mounting Thread 32,5x0,5 39x0,75 61,0x075
Flange Ring Diameter 34,6 41,6 64,0
Board Hole Diameter 34,8 41,8 64,2
Front lens cell thread 29,5x0,5 40,0x0,75 56,0x0,75
Rear Cell Lens Thread 29,5x0,5 26,0x0,75 56,0x0,75
Front to Rear Cell Flange Distance 20,0






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