Old style Speed Graphic Cameras (all sizes) and Burke & James "4 x 5" Press Cameras have an infinity adjustment screw (12 in fig C)
on top of the knee joint.
Turning this screw in lowers the image and out raises it.
If a greater adjustment is needed than can be provided by this screw the "L"
piece on the camera track can be shifted by loosening the 2 screws holding it.
The holes in the "L" piece are elongated to permit adjustment.
The coupling arms on Recomar and Maximar Cameras have an infinity adjustment screw on the front of the arm just under the hub.
Pull out the lens
standard and turn this screw in to lower the image and out to raise it.
You'll find the Burke and James infinity adjustment on the right side of the drop bed.
To adjust, push the lens board all the way back into the
Turn the focusing knobs until the scale indicates the infinity position and reposition the infinity adjustment by loosening both screw just a little bit while watching the images in the range
On all other Film Pack Type, cameras and Miniature Watson Press Cameras use a long screwdriver having a ½ " or ¼ " blade
to turn the eccentric screw
on the flat side of the coupling arm just under the hub. Sorry no picture.
After correcting the infinity adjustment, check the Range Finder at distances of 20 feet and 6 feet.
If it is not in adjustment at either of these distances,
remove the four screws, which fasten the Range Finder housing and carefully lift it off.
Then follow these instructions .